Useful Tips on How to Handle THE Situation of a Lost Passport

Have you lost your passport in the UK and want to replace it quickly? It is quite understandable, considering the fact that well before your expensive clothes and smartphone, your most valuable possession when travelling abroad is your passport. Add to that, there is an increased likelihood of theft when you are living in a foreign country as passports usually fetch a high price on the black market. While losing a passport or having it stolen in a foreign land can be a distressing time, that doesn't mean you are stuck in that country forever. Read on to find out some useful tips on how to handle a lost passport. 1. Contact the police- It goes without saying, that if your passport has been stolen or lost, make sure you file a report at the police station immediately. Moreover, when you file a report at the police station you can use the statement document as a placeholder. 2. Go to the embassy- Once you have filed your report to the police, your next step should be going to t...