5 common mistakes people make while filling the UK Passport Application form

While you fill your UK Passport Application Form, you need to double sure of the fact that you do not commit any errors while you fill it. A minute error in your application can lead to a straight delay of around 7 weeks. If you are one of those travellers waiting for your passport to arrive to get started, we are pretty sure you would not be ready for any delays of such sort. As it goes, UK passport application forms are a bit confusing and time-consuming. You need to be careful while you fill this application.
Here are some of the most common errors that people usually make, resulting in the rejection of their application.
1. The signature box
When it is mentioned that you need to sign inside the box, then it means inside the box. Even if your signature touched the boundary of the box, consider your application rejected.
2. The role of BLACK ink
Everything you fill in the form needs to be in BLACK ink. There is no room for any other color on your form. Black is the color, which will get your application selected.
3. 3 mistakes, no harm
While filling the form, you are most likely to make a mistake. In that scenario, do not rush to put correction fluids, instead of block your mistake with a black pen. Up to 3 mistakes are allowed, a post which you have to start with a new form.
4. Previous passport numbers
For frequent flyers, their previous passport numbers are also asked in the new application. This is in reference only to the UK passports. Do not fill in numbers of passports from other countries.
5. Keep it original
Any supporting document should be submitted in ORIGINAL. No photocopies, as well as substitutes, will be entertained.
To carry out the smooth functioning of your passport application, Passport Direct is a specialized passport agency that assists you to fill up your UK passport application form. When it comes to renewal, replacement or even a name change in your passport, we are there at your service. Get us involved in order to get your application selected in one go.
A few of our other service to mention are

  • Translation service
  • Renewal reminder
  • Customer call back service
  • Complete assistance
  • Professional support

We bring you all these services at competitive prices. Contact us now!


  1. Good Job!
    This blog is very interesting to read.
    This is very informative and helpful.


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